Caritas organizes and is a part of multiple events during Arendalsuka. Caritas wants to put focus on important topics like inclusion, development politicsCaritas retter søkelyset mot temaer som inkludering, development policy and peace and reconciliation. Tuesday 13 August 10:00- 11:00 (Smashed Arendal)Sivilsamfunn + det offentlige = santMore information Tuesday 13 August 14:30- 16:30 (Bankgården, 3. etasje)The Activist – The GameMore information Wednesdag 14 August 15:00- 15:45 (Høyer bokhandel)Norske utviklingsministre om de siste 25 års utviklingspolitikk og veien videreMore information Wednesdag 14 August 16:30- 17:30 (Bankgården)Veier til fred og forsoning i Israel/ PalestinaMore information Caritas is apart of more events. Among others “Den store utviklingsdebatten 2024”, which is an annual collaboration between aid organizations in Norway. More information can be found here: