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Julebord på språkkafé

Christmas celebration at language cafe

Wednesdag the 4th of december vi marked the christmas season with a long table filled with good conversations and great food. A big thanks to Arendal Voksenopplæring for this great cooperation and Gjenbruksgleden for their support that makes language cafe possible. A specially big thanks to our volunteers who are there every week to help other improving their Norwegian language skills. Language cafe is for immigrants in Arendal and surroundings. We meet every wednesday from 14.15- 15.15 at Arendal Voksenopplæring.

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Logo Arendalsuka


Caritas organizes and is a part of multiple events during Arendalsuka. Caritas wants to put focus on important topics like inclusion, development politicsCaritas retter søkelyset mot temaer som inkludering, development policy and peace and reconciliation. Tuesday 13 August 10:00- 11:00 (Smashed Arendal)Sivilsamfunn + det offentlige = santMore information Tuesday 13 August 14:30- 16:30 (Bankgården, 3. etasje)The Activist – The GameMore information Wednesdag 14 August 15:00- 15:45 (Høyer bokhandel)Norske utviklingsministre om de siste 25 års utviklingspolitikk og veien videreMore information Wednesdag 14 August 16:30- 17:30 (Bankgården)Veier til fred og forsoning i Israel/ PalestinaMore information Caritas is apart of more events. Among others “Den store utviklingsdebatten 2024”, which is an annual collaboration between aid organizations in Norway. More information can be found here:

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Language cafe sommer edition.

Tuesday the 12th of june we had our last language cafe before the summer at AVO (Arendal Voksenopplæring). We celebrated with ice cream and a Kahoot. Caritas Arendal would like to thank AVO for the great collaboration and a special thanks to all the volunteers who make language cafe such a good and open place to be for everyone. Since march 2023 students at AVO and others who want to improve their Nowegian speaking and listening skills have met to practice with the help of Nowegian speaking volunteers. They meet every Tuesday afternoon from 14:15 to 15:15. This language cafe is an initiative from one of AVO`s students. Students have volunteered with practical help and recruitment of participants and volunteers. The project is financed by Gjenbruksglede and IMDi funds from Arendal municipality.

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Per Stabell får bukett

Annual meeting in Caritas Arendal

Wednesday 28th og April Caritas Arendal held its annual meeting during churchcoffee at St Franciskusskole. St Franciskus Xaverius parish and Caritas Arendal handed the yearly volunteer award. This year the award went to Per and Lise Stabell. A couple who for many years have helped as volunteers in many different ways in the parish, kindergarden and school.

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Frivillige får frivillighetsprisen 2023

Annual meeting Caritas Arendal

The board of Caritas Arendal invites to anual meeting and the handing out of this years volunteering reward. Date: Sunday the 28th of April 2024, 12:15. Place:  St. Franciskus Skole Click here for the invitation and agenda for the annual meeting Annual report 2023 Annual accounts 2023

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Julebord at språkkafé

Julebord på språkkafé

Hver tirsdag organiserer Caritas Arendal språkkafé på Arendal Voksenopplæring i samarbeid med noen elever som går på norskkurs. Tirsdag 12. desember ble språkkafé til julebord for deltakere og frivillige. I tillegg fikk vi besøk av Caritas Norge som kom for å bli bedre kjent med vårt arbeid i byen. Tusen takk til alle frivillige som gjør språkkafé mulig og en stor takk til Arendal Voksenopplæring for samarbeidet!

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plakat språkkafé

Language cafe

Every Tuesday Caritas Arendal organizes languag cafe at Arendal Voksenopplæring from 14:15 – 15:15. Spring 2023 we were asked by Arendal Voksenopplæring to hold language cafe after a student from Ukraine came with the idea. It was a success from the start with between 15 and 20 participants and volunteers coming weekly to practice norwegian by talking together and playing games.   Language cafe is open for everyone. You don´t have to be a student at Arendal Voksenopplæring. For more information, contact Joris Neyens ([email protected] or 37 00 22 01, press 4)

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B1 gruppe norskkurs

Norskkurs 2023

Caritas Arendal gratulerer alle elever som har fullført norskkurs A1 og B1! Norskkurs er et tilbud til arbeidsinnvandrere og et samarbeid med Arendal Voksenopplæring. Kurset ble gitt av to dyktige læreren, Elena Karlsen og Sebastian Bylicki fra Arendal Voksenopplæring. Tusen takk til frivillige assistenter Karen Folgen og Angela Torbjørnsen som var med for å hjelpe elever og læreren.

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invitation to Norwegian language course

Norwegian course

We are glad to inform you that in cooperation with Arendal voksenopplæring, Caritas Arendal will be offering Norwegian courses for beginners (-A1), Elementary (A1- A2), and Intermediate (A2- B1). The courses will take place twice a week; on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18.00 to 20.30 (3 school hours), at St. Franciskus school, Kirkebakken 14 (next to the Church). The courses will be held on the following weeks: 36, 37, 38, 39 and 41, 42 and 43. (Week 40 – is the autumn holiday). Classes start on Tuesday the 5th of September and finish Thursday the 26th of Oktober. The course also includes some helpfull information about living and working in Norway. We have 25 vacancies on each course, we need at least 15 participants on each level to hold the course.Course fee: Registration by the 1st of September through the link (limited number of vacancies), click here: Application Norwegian course The course fee must be paid before the 1stof September to Caritas Arendal-account number 2895 44 07111or Vipss #762929 – Caritas Arendal, stating your name + “norskkurs”.The courses are going to be held by professional teachers from the Adult Education Centre in Arendal. Those who do not pay the course fee within the deadline, lose their placeImportant information if you plan on applying for Norwegian citizenship.Those who want to apply for Norwegian citizenship must present their B1 oral exam certificate. Teachers from Arendal Voksenopplæring can help with that after completing the course.If you have questions, call Joris Neyens at Caritas Arendal on 37 00 22 01, and choose #4 when prompted.

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