Caritas Arendal

Side by side with people in challenging life situations.

Image: karl ragnar gjertsen

info center

We offer information and guidance to immigrants and refugees at our office and at drop-in locations in Grimstad and Arendal. Read more ->

Students listening in a classroom

Courses and language training


About Caritas Arendal

Caritas Arendal is the Catholic Church in Arendal’s organization for welfare work, particularly among immigrants and other vulnerable groups. Activities aim to connect people together and help ensure that people are equipped to be good members of society.

Latest news

Logo Arendalsuka


Caritas organizes and is a part of multiple events during Arendalsuka. Caritas wants to put focus on important topics like inclusion, development politicsCaritas retter søkelyset mot temaer som inkludering, development policy and peace and reconciliation.

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Language cafe sommer edition.

Tuesday the 12th of june we had our last language cafe before the summer at AVO (Arendal Voksenopplæring). We celebrated with ice cream and a Kahoot. Caritas Arendal would like to thank AVO for the

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Per Stabell får bukett

Annual meeting in Caritas Arendal

Wednesday 28th og April Caritas Arendal held its annual meeting during churchcoffee at St Franciskusskole. St Franciskus Xaverius parish and Caritas Arendal handed the yearly volunteer award. This year the award went to Per and

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Where you find us

Caritas Arendal
Kirkebakken 19
4836 Arendal

tel. 37 00 22 01 (# 5)
Monday- Friday 10:00 – 16:00

Caritas Arendal provides free guidance at our office in the center of Arendal. Get in touch directly or send us a message through the contact form below to make an agreement.